As an example, lets talk about sports as a way of finding self-transcendence. Like religion, sports bring people together under a sharing of common interest. In sports, there are divided sectors of this- there are those groups of screaming fans who cheer for their team, and then there are the players on the team working to win. This is an idea referring to Trothen's article Holy Acceptable Violence.There are always talks of players feeling euphoria once they step onto the game field while getting a rush of adrenaline that is felt from feedback by the energy of the audience. This is an effect of human experience and creates the quality of transcendence. In my opinion, I support the fact that religion was brought to group individuals who share common interests together. What does this lead to you may ask? This leads to a grouping of society. But lets not get carried away in this philosophical concept. Like Religion, sports, also create a grouping of individuals who share a similar taste in categories of sports. Therefore, one can think of their favourite sport as their religion. One’s interest and everything in their surroundings could be solely decorated in honour of their team.
Having a passion for something that makes one happy gives an uplifting human experience. A person’s experience felt from a particular sport can be solely connected through their recollection of past events and interests, whether being a religious experience or not. A parallel between sports and the religious figure- Jesus Christ, can be seen through violence projected in teams when they are seen sacrificing their body through physical violence for the sake of making their team win. This is much similar to the symbolism of the crucification of Jesus Christ sacrificing his life for the people. This parallel can be seen as a theological perspective, further implying that sports can be seen as a way of religion.
So start finding your own personal interests, allow yourself to engage deeply and find a passion. Whether it be the choice of sports, or the love for music, maybe you too, can experience transcendence.
Trothen, Tracy. "Holy Acceptable Violence?" Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 21 (2009).
Trothen, Tracy. "Holy Acceptable Violence?" Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 21 (2009).
Here is my response: