Monday, April 2, 2012

Response to Jessica's Post: Let your light shine: Gossip, vanity, sex and reality TV.

It is understood that MTV has shifted depictions of teenage reality into portraying negative effects of younger viewers. This being said, I do agree with modern society influencing the corruption of morals and sexuality through social communication and mass media. Before, the media use to perpetuate narratives based on presumed human morality. Today, MTV, like other mass media mediums, mirror the image of what we see happening in the lives of teenagers today. Sad to say, these have resulted in TV shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom
I think the reason for such high numbered viewings on shows like these is because people want to see the corruption in other peoples lives and learn how to handle such situations if it were to ever occur to themselves. The fact that some viewers receive distorted feedback from these shows, such as; “In order to become famous at a young age you should try to get yourself pregnant to become stars of teen mom,” really show how Christian morals can become disregarded once consumption of the mass media has taken over one’s mind. 
However, highly devoted Christians see these shows as beneficial, to their Christian learnings because they view these shows as promoting by a negative example of teenage society.
Some can argue that teenage pregnancy shows are decreasing the pregnancy rate, while others believe it is encouraging teens to have more sex and make more babies! This can be true in different perspectives. One can say that watching these television shows drove them away from ever having thought about raising a baby at a young age because all the complexities caught on camera made them realize that is not a moral way of life. While on the other hand, other people could have thought that becoming impregnated could lead them to becoming stars on such hit TV shows. This is not the right reason for having a baby and totally goes against Christian morals. An example of this is Leah Messer, a casted member in 16 and pregnant, who decided to give birth for the second around after having fraternal twins. 
So as you can see, messages interpreted from these show have been distorted in different views of perspectives. The media has interfered with Christian moral teachings, but it is for us to decide how we wish to interpret and learn from them. 

Link to Jessica's Post:

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